The Team
About Us
Hello, we are HyperReact Creations, a group of college students that are working together on creating games for the web. We all share a common goal, that's to make the best content we possible can. Our games are art, our passion is strong. We strive to make uqnique games and avoid cookie cutting. So stick around and keep updated. Remember, we build games, not bullshit.
Our Games
Naut is a massive multiplayer versus environment game. Explore the vastness of space. Interact with various creatures. Explore worn-down and abandoned space stations. Collect resources, assemble objects, and dissemble objects. Create powerful quantum weapons. Get sucked into a black hole! Fight various life forms, and rescue your allies. Meet and create friends ships with players all around the world. Nauts expected launch late 2025.
Aenean quis tortor eros. Aenean viverra magna augue, vel commodo mi mollis sit amet. Vivamus mollis, lorem at sodales pharetra, augue nibh placerat ex, vel posuere lorem ipsum ut elit. Morbi facilisis faucibus tortor, at auctor tellus vulputate in. Nunc consectetur elit eget enim vulputate, id tristique nulla egestas. Nam ultrices turpis velit, eu iaculis enim faucibus vitae. Ut nec tellus erat.